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Hey everyone I’m Maxime Evangelista, photographer, and most of all analog enthusiast. 


My passion for photography really picked up in my high school years, heavily inspired by my grandfather who always had been a photography addict. As a matter of fact, he was the one who gave me my first digital camera, and by doing so passed on his passion to me. 


With this first step into the world of photography, I began to experiment, to try out the different modes, to understand how a camera works and what I can create with one. As my experimentation continued, I upgraded my digital gear and continued to learn with what I had. However, with my studies and personal life, the fire began slowly fading. 


Back in 2017, a new spark appeared which fired up my passion once again! Indeed, my grandfather gave me his old analog cameras thinking they would be of no use except for collection purposes. He was awfully wrong, I found film, loaded up the cameras, and fell in love with film photography. 


Just as I did a few years back, I started experimenting with film, the techniques, the subtleties of this new medium. Little by little, photography was becoming more and more present in my day to day life. I taught myself how to shoot, and started mastering the different photography styles (Street, Portrait, Landscape). 


As my knowledge grew, I upgraded my analog gear. When Covid 19 struck, I went back to digital to pick up where I had left off several years back. 


This brings us to today, where my passion and knowledge of both film and digital photography has pushed me to start a journey as a photographer. This is why I offer photojournalism work, photoshoots, and photography classes to those interested.


With this website I hope to bring you along my Journey, so welcome to my universe!

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